Why are my personal details displayed in WHOIS & 3rd party websites? Why do I receive so many emails/calls from spammers?


That problem happens because you did not purchase this ‘WHOIS Privacy Protection‘ (RM15) service : https://www.billing.netkl.com/knowledgebase/143/What-is-Privacy-Protection.html , when you first bought your domain earlier.

See below :

Without that service, all your personal particulars will be displayed in WHOIS website, which would then be stolen by simply anybody in the world (including scammers/spammers).

They normally copy your unhidden infos and store them into their own domain database websites. To get them to remove your private infos from their website, you may contact them directly. (However, most of the time, they wouldn’t respond).

To prevent more scammers/spammers from stealing your personal infos from WHOIS again, you are advised to purchase this ‘WHOIS Privacy Protection‘ (RM15) service : https://www.billing.netkl.com/knowledgebase/143/What-is-Privacy-Protection.html a.s.a.p , by making payment of RM15 now :https://netkl.com/payment , and inform us back.

NetKL will request WHOIS to hide your personal infos, and WHOIS normally will update their website within 24-72 hours.