The Importance of Website Backups

data backup

Why are website backups important? 

Imagine what would you do if suddenly your website is down and all of your files were deleted from the database? We can pretty much imagine how stressed it will be.

That’s why, website backups are important! Even if it is a boring task but you never know if it will be your lifesaver one day.

Website backups represent your safety net.  If all other resources fail, your website backups are the critical piece of security. This is because, backups were designed to recover your system to its last known good state, or configuration setting.

Backups are like spare tires

We all know that every car has a spare tire even if it’s something you never use and usually forget about. Nevertheless, having spare tires allow you to drive without much worry, knowing that when you do get a flat tire, you have your safety net.

Think of website backups the same way. They are the safety precautions in case your website has a problem and you have no idea how to fix it.

|Also, it’s important to have website security tools in place to protect your site from third party users (hackers), or to detect if a hacker has gained entry to the site. However, these tools will not be enough hackers are able to gain access and then overwrite or remove your files.

That is the worst-case scenario. No matter what security tools you use, there will always be the risk of getting hacked. If that happens to your website, even a great website security platform cannot restore the broken or missing contents unless you implement a backup solution in the first place.

Once your website files are overwritten or deleted, there is no way to recover them unless you have a backup. Thus, backups (in many cases) are a lifesaving solution.

What do website backups do?

Backups make a complete copy of website files and your database on a daily basis (the default frequency) so that the website owner can restore their website to the state it was previously. However, backups should not be the only security measure taken.

Though backups revert your site content to the last backup made, any content uploaded in between time will be lost. Also, backups cannot be used to fix the originating problem or prevent your website from reinfection.

That is why we recommend that you take a proactive role in website security.  Protect your website with a Website Application Firewall so that your site does not get hacked in the first place.