Do you do website backup?


YES. We do full backup EVERYDAY (at around 12.01 am every morning), and will finish in the morning.

However, each time new backup is performed, it would overwrite (delete/replace) the old backup done previously (on the day before).

This means, there will be only 1 data backup available, at any one time, i.e the backup done on that day (between 1am until morning).

For example; backup performed today has overwritten the old backup done yesterday.

Therefore, if your website has been containing errors for many days/weeks/months, the latest backup available would surely contain the same errors.

Our advice is :

– clients should practise creating backup themselves (on their own) once in a while, especially BEFORE & AFTER editing/updating their website, and SAVE the file into their PC/desktop.

There are 2 ways to create your website backup, i.e :

1) Method 1 :

– if you installed a WordPress via Softaculous earlier, you can login to your cPanel –> click on ‘Softaculous’ –> ‘Blog’ –> ‘WordPress’ –> and click on this ‘Backup’ icon : ).


2) Method 2 :
– alternatively, you can also do THOROUGH  BACKUP (for both, website & emails) :

Please note that; all your backup files above, will remain in your hosting, until you delete them.

Therefore, to reduce your disc space consumption, you are advised to download those backup files (normally, in .ZIP or .TAR format) into your local PC or thumb drive, and then delete the original copy in your hosting, in order to free up some disc space.