What is ID Protection?
ID Protection is an optional service to enable a domain’s owner to hide their private info (eg Name, Mailing Address, Tel No, Email, etc) from being displayed in WHOIS server.
(Here is example of WHOIS search : https://www.whois.com/whois/netkl.com )
Below is a sample of search results (WITH and WITHOUT Whois ID Protection service):
WHOIS ID Protection service is only OPTIONAL. If interested, the cost is only RM15/year.
If interested, kindly tick ‘ID Protection’ box below, during your Order :
Please do not hesitate to contact us , if you need further info/assistance.
NetKL Network
(B. Melayu)
Apa itu ID Protection ?
ID Protection ialah servis tambahan yang membolehkan maklumat peribadi pemilik domain (seperti Nama, Alamat, No. Tel, Email, dll) disembunyikan dan tidak akan dipaparkan dalam server WHOIS
(Contoh cInnoDBn WHOIS : https://www.whois.com/whois/netkl.com )
Berikut adalah contoh keputusan cInnoDBn TANPA dan DENGAN ID Protection:
Servis WHOIS ID Protection adalah OPTIONAL sahaja. Jika berminat, kosnya adalah RM15 setahun.
Jika berminat, sila tick kotak ‘ID Protection’ di bawah, ketika melakukan Order (pembelian) :
Sila hubungi kami , jika perlukan sebarang info/bantuan.
NetKL Network